Use of needles, the FUE method
A hair transplant is a permanent solution for any type of hair loss. We use the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, but in an unique way.
A Follicular Unit is a group of hairs with hair root bags. We drill some hairs of such a group from the skin (Extraction) of the donor area and use them for the transplant. We make miniscule holes in the treatment area and place the harvested hair back in this. In summary, a hair transplant.
Hair wreath / donor area
Have you ever noticed that if someone is already bald, the hair ring will remain present? The hair above the ears and on the back of the head are insensitive to DHT (see explanation about hair loss). This is the reason that these hairs will never disappear and we therefore use these hairs for a hair transplant. The hairs retain the same properties in the (new) transplanted area (color, thickness, structure, sensitivity to DHT), which gives you a lifetime of growth guarantee on the transplanted hair!
We are unique as a clinic in the use of needles with different thicknesses in the treatment instead of using needles with one measurement. The larger the needle, the coarser the result and the smaller the needle, the finer. Working with instruments from 0.6 to 0.7 mm requires, in addition to much experience, above-average manual skills and patience. This results in the best result for the client. The smallest needle with which practically still can be worked, is o.6 mm. We use this for refinement where that is absolutely necessary for a natural result of the hairline. The 0.65 and 0.7 mm needles are used to provide volume, this together ensures the perfect result. In short, a matching (natural) hairline with volume.

There is therefore no cutting with the FUE method! This means no major scar, no stitches or (after) pain.
To make the treatment painless, you will be anesthetised locally. The anesthetic is very tolerable since we take a lot of time for this. The entire treatment day lasts about 6 to 8 hours.
The small pieces of skin with hairs (grafts) are taken away from the donor area 1 by 1 and placed directly in a very special liquid.
Because we are busy all morning with the extraction (the removal of the hairs) we keep the hairs in a special and precious liquid. We import this liquid specially (even cooled) from Sweden. We treat your hair with the utmost care and no effort or costs are spared to obtain the best result!
When we have removed the hairs, the creative process begins! The new hairline (or other treatment area) is drawn on the head and together we take all the time to see if it is still as you had in mind during the consultation. Your partner, friend or girlfriend, can watch and together we create a perfect (natural!) hairline that suits you and that is especially appropriate to your current situation, but also has a natural character for the future.
Now this treatment area is also being numbed. Minuscule small holes are made in the treatment area. We take into account the location, density, growth direction and natural distribution of the original situation of the hair.
When all the holes have been made, the team will put the grafts back in these holes. The finer/small grafts (which are taken out with the smallest needle) in the first line and the larger grafts in the area behind them. In addition to refinement, this also creates volume.